The Y on your phone

With the Y's app by Netpulse, you can do more than ever right from your smartphone.
Search "YMCA Richmond" in your device's app store.
Developed by EGym, our updated app offers many features and improvements. Search “YMCA Richmond” in your device’s app store.
- Register and see the daily schedules of activities and programs in our branches, like group exercise, water fitness, and more!
- Register for programs like summer camp, youth sports, aquatics and more!
- Get special promotions and offers only available through the app.
- Connect with your wearable technology to keep all your workout information in one place.
Available for iOS and Android devices, find the app by searching “YMCA Richmond” in your device’s app store.
How do I download the App or update my YMCA App?
You can download the enhanced YMCA App by visiting the iPhone or Android App Stores and searching "YMCA Richmond". New users can download the app directly. Current users need to click on the App icon to see the "update' tab instead of the open tab.
Where do I find class reservations?
All of our classes require reservations. Choose the "Schedules" tab at the bottom of the screen. Find the class you want and simply click "Book Class" to reserve your spot. You can cancel your reservation just as simply.
How do I see the group exercise schedule for other branches?
Under the filters bar, you can see classes by location. Your home branch will default as "Home Club" but you can search other branches in tap one or more from a list of YMCA locations.
Where do I see hours of operation?
On the MyY main home screen you will see your home branch's hours for that particular day. To view all hours for your branch or any of the YMCA branches, click "View All" next to Hours & Information. Once there, you can choose the closest location or select any of the Y branches to view hours. Scroll down to see “Child Watch” and “Holiday Hours” for this location.