

Every day, children, teens, senior citizens and families come to the Y to learn, grow and thrive. But we need people like YOU to help us make their experience even better and create lasting impact on our community.

Thank You!


Volunteer Opportunities


Thank you for being interested and willing to help volunteer with the YMCA.  We could not do all the wonderful work in our communities as we do without you!

Volunteer Handbook


food distribution


  • Over 200 volunteers added value to Miracle League, our Adaptive Baseball League, by being a buddy to a player during their game.

  • 138 tutors give their time and talent to help children academically and socially.

  • Over 700 families received food each month at the Y’s food distributions that are packaged and distributed by volunteers.

Food distribution


How Can You Help?

Coach Youth Sports

Leave a life-long impact on the life of a child today by coaching a sport such as basketball, soccer, volleyball or MORE! Coaches are accepted all year round at most of our 17 locations. Email Caitlin Wampler to inquire about upcoming needs. 

Tutoring Opportunities

We have FOUR awesome tutoring opportunities in our YMCA footprint located at partner schools near our Shady Grove, Chester, Tuckahoe, and Patrick Henry Family YMCAs. These opportunities must have a completed background check prior to beginning. To apply, click Volunteer Opportunities above and find the branch where you'd like to apply. We welcome volunteers ages 16 and up!

homework help

Food Distribution Assistance 

Join our community partnership with the YMCA and FeedMore. We will be distributing food and canned goods to 500+ families in Ashland, Manchester, and Chester, VA. The distribution will be carried out through a drive-thru event. Volunteers are needed to staff these distributions.

 The first Tuesday of the month
Time: 10 a.m.- Noon
Location: The Roses parking lot in Ashland Junction Shopping Center (167 Junction Drive, Ashland, VA 23005)

 The third Friday of the month
Time: 10 a.m.-1 p.m.
Location: Greenleigh location (14210 Stevenhurst Dr. Chester, VA 23821)

 The second Monday of the month
Time: 10 a.m.-1 p.m.
Location: Parking lot of Manchester YMCA (7540 Hull st North Chesterfield, VA 23235)


Food Drives

The TUCKAHOE FAMILY YMCA and JOHN ROLFE FAMLY YMCA’s host food drives each month to benefit Welbourne and Discovery United Methodist Churches Food Pantries. The drive is held on the third Wednesday of every month all day long.

High Demand Items:

  • Canned chicken/tuna
  • Canned fruit
  • Canned veggies and beans
  • Cereal(all kinds)
  • Pasta
  • Pasta sauce (no glass please)
  • Jelly (plastic containers please)
  • Peanut butter
  • Individual snacks
  • Crackers (Saltines, Ritz, Graham, etc)
  • Kid snacks-fruit snacks, pudding cups,
  • Pop-tarts, small snack packs, raisins, jello
  • Canned Ravioli/spaghetti O’s
  • Toilet paper

Thank you for your support of our community! For questions or more information, please contact Leslie Beck-Long at



What is the age requirement to volunteer at the Y?

All volunteers must be at least 14 years of age. All volunteer roles have an age requirement and ages to volunteer in roles may vary.

What other criteria do I have to meet to become a volunteer at the Y?

The YMCA of Greater Richmond is responsible for protecting the children and other vulnerable people we serve. For this reason, we are required to perform a background check before volunteering in certain roles. You will also have to complete a variety of other forms through the volunteer website when you sign up.

Do I get a free membership?

We do not offer complimentary memberships for volunteers.

How many hours do I have to volunteer?

Volunteer commitments vary per location and by opportunity. Please discuss your availability with your branch volunteer coordinator.

Is there a dress code? What should I wear?

Closed-toe shoes are required at all volunteer locations. A volunteer shirt will be provided on your first day of volunteering.

Do you accept court ordered community service?

We accept court ordered volunteers only at certain branches and for certain opportunities. Court ordered volunteers are never permitted to work directly with children.

Does Volunteering at the YMCA count towards community service hours required by my school?

Yes! By volunteering at the YMCA you will gain volunteer time toward the hours you are required to complete for school. You will also gain valuable experience.

Who can I contact for more information?

Contact Leslie Beck-Long,. Director of Volunteer and Community Engagement, at for information regarding our volunteer opportunities.