Miracle League


The Miracle League at YMCA of Greater Richmond provides children with intellectual, physical or visual needs the opportunity to play baseball! The rules are simple: everyone HITS, everyone GETS ON BASE, and everyone CROSSES HOME PLATE!

Ages: 5+ years who identify as having a physical or mental disability
Where: Miracle Field located behind Byrd High School, 10401 Courthouse Rd., Chesterfield, VA
When: Saturday mornings, 9 a.m.-noon ,  March 22-May 10
Cost: $60, which includes a uniform and all equipment players need

Register Now!

Miracle Field is made with a special rubberized surface that is barrier-free.  Bases, mounds and home plate are all flat and painted on the surface.  Aluminum or plastic bats are used, but the ball is softer rubber material which can be field by the players with or without gloves.


Each Miracle League participant will be paired with a buddy to play.  Buddies are encouraged to let each player play to their ability, only assisting with what they specifically need help with.  Parents get to watch from the stands, cheering their favorite player on!

Each Miracle League game has two innings, and every player bats once and scores a run before the inning is over.  This is a fun, friendly game; so no strikes, outs or foul balls are called.  No practice is required - just arrive 15 minutes before the scheduled game time.  All abilities and skill levels are welcomed to come play.

For more information, please contact us at miracleleaguerva@ymcarichmond.org.


The Miracle League would not be possible without wonderful volunteers to assist our All Stars at bat, help them round the bases, and cheer them on along the way! Volunteers range in age from middle school to senior citizens and include family members as well as local youth, civic and corporate groups. Be a part of our team as a Buddy, Coach, Team Parent, Umpire or Parent.

Sign Up Today!


Learn more about Miracle League!